GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015 certification
The production of gas air comperessors and nitrogen generators
GB/T24001-2016/ISO14001:2015 certification
The production of gas air compressors and nitrogen generators and related environmental management activities of involved sites
GB/T45001-2020/ISO45001:2018 certification
The production of gas air compressors and nitrogen generators and related occuational health and safty management activities of involved sites
CE certifcation
Certifcate of electromagnetic compatibiity directive
Certification of comformity
This is to certify that the quality of air from the folllowing compressors comply with the requirement of Class 0 in terms of total oil content,as defined in ISO 8573-1
Patent certificate for An air filter
Utility model patent certificate Name of utility model :An air filter
Patent certificate for a filter with multi-layer filtering mechanism
Utility model patent certificate Name of utility model: a kind of filter with multi-layer filtering mechanism
Patent certificate for an air-cooled refrigerated dryer with anti-clogging function
Utility model patent certificate Utility model name: an air-cooled refrigerated dryer with anti-clogging function
Patent certificate for a kind of air compressor with pre-drying function
Utility model patent certificate Utility model name: a kind of air compressor with pre-drying function
Patent certificate for a kind of filter with double filtering channels
Utility model name: A kind of filter with double filtering channels
Patent certificate for A kind of mobile screw air compressor which can be stably towed
Utility model name:A kind of mobile screw air compressor which can be stably towed
Patent certificate for A compressed gas storage mechanism
Utility model name:A compressed gas storage mechanism